Apr 04, 2017
While uneasy to think about, everyone should be prepared. This list below is for those who do not have a storm shelter where they can have these items already stored. We recommend a duffle bag with the following items that is ready to grab.
- Water – we realize you cannot keep one gallon per person per day readily available, so we recommend water purifying straws available at your local outdoor store
- Food – a three-day supply is recommended, however, several chocolate bars should suffice
- Battery-powered radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with extra batteries for both
- Flashlight with extra batteries
- First Aid kit
- Whistle
- Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation
- Feminine products
- Dust mask or cotton T-shirt for air filtration
- Long pants, shirt, closed toe shoes and gloves to protect from debris
Things to grab at the last minute:
- Medicines
- Important documents
- Wallet/purse
- Cell phone
If you have small children:
- Formula & bottle
- Diapers & wipes
- Small toy
- Headphones for music helps distract little ones from the loudness of hail and tornadoes
If you have pets:
- Food & dish
- Water & dish
- Leash
- Have your pet carrier easily accessible
If you do have a storm shelter, we recommend cleaning and stocking it each spring. No one wants to run into a shelter full of spiders!
- In place of the water purifying straws, we recommend having a couple cases of bottled water
- Food – a three-day supply
- Can opener if you have any canned food
- In place of the garbage bags and plastic ties, we recommend a chemical toilet
Download this list for easy reference.